5 Ways HR Promotes Positivity in the Workplace

Positivity In Workplace

Positivity is a choice and its benefits can be far reaching, especially when it comes to the workplace

We’re often influenced by the behaviours and moods of the people we surround ourselves with. When it comes to a professional setting, this influence can have a huge effect – for better or worse – not only on employee wellbeing but the entire company culture as a whole. So how can we, as HR professionals, recognise and promote positivity in the workplace? Today we’re sharing 5 helpful strategies you can start practicing today that will nurture a workplace environment of positivity and respect.

1. Employee Recognition

There are plenty of ways we can recognised the hard work of our colleagues and employees. Whether it be a simple compliment, commending them during a team meeting or some form of official certificate or award, these sorts of gestures can go a long way. 

Showing your employees that they are appreciated and valued is a powerful method for boosting overall workplace morale. When employee’s see that their hard work isn’t going unnoticed, they’re likely to continue working to this standard in the future. 

A happy and appreciated workforce is the most valuable asset a company can have so it’s worth spending some time to foster an environment where everyone feels acknowledged. 

2. Set An Example

If you want to encourage positivity in the workplace, where better to start than with yourself? Positivity is a homegrown campaign after all and if you can’t find positivity then it’s unlikely your employees will either. 

So how can we set this example? By being approachable, honest and encouraging. It’s really that simple. Your employees should feel comfortable to be open and honest with you regarding workplace problems, disputes or any other issues. 

Remember what we said at the start about the influence our behaviours have on others? Your employees and colleagues will be looking to you to set the standard so be sure to make it positive.

3. Practice Gratitude Daily

Practicing daily gratitude has been shown to have an overwhelming positive effect on our personal mental health. So it goes without saying that projecting that gratitude will have a positive knock-on effect for our workplace. Simply saying “thank you” can be enough to show your colleagues that they are valued. 

Beyond this, it can also be a good idea to send emails thanking someone for their hard work or recognising when someone has gone the extra mile. It’s nice to be nice after all! It might seem simple enough but showing gratitude is an effective way of fostering professional relationships that are built on trust and mutual respect.

4. Encourage Positive Communication & Feedback

Good communication is an essential part of boosting overall workplace morale and building better teamwork practices. This is true in practically any industry but is especially important for HR professionals. 

When it comes to successful communication, the key is always balance. We want to be clear and direct but also know when to stop and listen. When offering feedback, we need to balance the positive with the negative. We need to be aware that we can’t always presume our message has got across and provide clarification in a respectful way if needed. 

Above all, good communication is about empathy and open-mindedness. Entering a conversation with no preconceived judgements or notions can give your employees the confidence to be open and honest when discussing ideas or projects. 

5. Understand and Encourage A Healthy Work/Life Balance

Employee burnout is a very real and harmful problem. We don’t want our employees to feel overworked, stressed or deflated. That’s why promoting a healthy work/life balance can be key to keeping our employees happy and productive. 

This means encouraging necessary time-off, monitoring reasonable workloads and most importantly, empathising with your employees and their situations. Empathy is an often overlooked skill when it comes to leadership roles but it really is essential for spreading positivity in the workplace. 


It goes without saying that we all want to enjoy our working life. Feeling positive, respected and appreciated at work are surefire ways to build seamless relationships and teams that benefit not only individuals but the company as a whole. As HR professionals, it is our duty to recognise and encourage positive ways of working. Through the above methods and more, we can nurture a working environment where positivity comes naturally and our actions ensure a lasting, positive change on the collective mentality of our organisation.

Picture of Euan Campbell

Euan Campbell

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5 Ways HR Promotes Positivity in the Workplace

Positivity is a choice and its benefits can be far reaching, especially when it comes to the workplace

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