10 Top Studying Tips

Student carrying books

How to make the most of your study time

After working with hundreds and thousands of students over the last 20 years, here at Oakwood International, we know a few things or two about studying! To help you to study more effectively and get the most out of your time, we’ve put together a range of handy tips for studying. Here we go:

Timing is everything

Find your best time when studying. Some people work better in the morning while others work better at night. By working out which time suits you best, you can ensure you get the most out of your study time, and that you’re not too tired or too busy.

Set up your own study space

When studying, your study space should be quiet, comfortable and distraction-free. Your place should make you feel happy and inspired, as well as be suited to your job of studying, where all your studying materials are close at hand.

Study every day

By studying every day, you’ll be continually reviewing and remembering facts in your mind. This not only helps you to retain the information, but it can help you understand things on a much deeper level by getting you into a regular habit. Studying every day also helps you avoid the stress of last-minute cramming.

Take a break!

It’s important to take breaks and to split up your study time, especially if you’re feeling tired or frustrated. Working too long on a task can actually decrease your learning performance and mean that you’re not studying as effectively.


To ensure you’re retaining the information that you’re learning, try revising at regular intervals throughout your study time. Ways of revising can include using quizzes, writing out all the facts and figures over and over, or speaking it out loud.

Study together

Studying in groups can help offer different insights on problems, help you quiz or test one another, and means you can share knowledge or tips easily and quickly.

Stay motivated

Sometimes, heavy learning or working on assignments can be tough, so it can be important to stay motivated to keep up your studying. Staying focused, having a clear goal, and thinking of what all your hard work will achieve can really help motivate you.

Plan your time accordingly

If you want to stay on track with your study time or assignments, create a studying schedule or a diary. It helps you to evenly space out your studying to avoid being overburdened and work towards a deadline.

Ask for help

If you need it, then ask for help. There’s no shame in it, and no point struggling on your own if there’s help available to solve your problem. Reach out to a colleague, fellow student or your tutor and get the answers you need.

Eat brain food

And lastly, what you eat while studying can have a serious impact on your energy levels and focus. Stay hydrated, stay away from junk food, and eat healthy, and you’ll find yourself being able to study better.

We hope these studying tips help you in some way. If you need further advice and you’re one of our students, our Student Support Team can help you. In the meantime, if you’d like to study for a qualification with us, find out more about our CIPD, CIM and ILM qualifications.

Contact us for more information at or call one of our expert programme advisors on +971 4 359 9020.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Picture of Oakwood International

Oakwood International

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10 Top Studying Tips

How to make the most of your study time

Student carrying books

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